Thru-Wall Flashing

Bullnoser™ & Diamond Blades

Corner Poles


Grouting Accessories

Material Handling

Stone Setting


Brick/CMU Cleaning

Brick Ties

Masonry Anchors

Winter Protection

Insulation Accessories

Pointing/Thin Veneer

Wall Safety

2" Hand Tracer

Hand Tracer
Price: $143.99 ea
Item Number: ESTONE1056
  Carbide Hand Tools feature a specially angled blade that allows you to hold the chisel in a  more vertical position when striking.
  This reduces the chance of mis-striking the chisel head and offers more control when working on smaller or softer stone. For tracing split lines and splitting stone.
  For customer service, please call 1-800-659-4731 or email [email protected]

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